Friday, February 12, 2010

Retired Arizona Sheriff, Richard Mack Speaks of Importance of the Constitution

Feb. 12--Fredricksberg, Tx.

Former Graham County, Texas, Sheriff Richard Mack states that it is the responsibility of local law enforcement to stand up to the federal government when it infringes or oversteps its Constitutional Authority. Mack spoke earlier this week to a group of Texas Sheriffs in Fredericksburg sponsored by the Patriots of Gillespie County.

"States are not subject to federal direction nor can they be compelled to enforce any federal regulatory programs," Mack said. "I believe every peace officer's responsibility is to stand against the intervention and overreaching federal government. The greatest threat to our God-given Constitutional system is our federal government."

"Mack is a tireless crusader of the Bill of Rights and is best known for winning the Supreme Court decision that stated that the federal government may not compel the states to enact or enforce a federal regulatory program," said a spokesman for the group.

Mack pointed to the Internal Revenue Service as one example of how the federal government encroaches on constitutional rights.

"Random audits (by the IRS) are unconstitutional and un-American," he said. "It's just a matter of whether local officials will exercise their rights. Don't whine about Washington. Local officials can make Washington, D.C., irrelevant."

Another example cited by Mack's Web site is seat belt laws. He said we have mandatory seat belt laws, because "people with money wanted us to have seat belt laws," not because the government wants to keep us safe.

"Are seat belts a good thing? Sure," Mack states on the Web site. "But a law? Why a law? Because it saves the insurance companies money if we get hurt less, and it gives them a reason not to pay for injuries if seat belts are not worn. The issue is not whether or not it's a good idea. The real danger here is that when we allow government to enforce these kinds of laws, we are surrendering our ability to think and act for ourselves." Mack ignored the federal law and never issued a seatbelt citation when he was a sheriff.

Gillespie County Sheriff Buddy Mills attended the course and had positive things to say. "It was an information course dealing with the constitution," Mills said. "I went to get more insight into things we already are doing as sheriffs in this state. I found Mack to be very knowledgeable. He was kind of preaching to the choir, because here in Texas, we understand what is going on, and we are here to protect the rights of the citizens."

Mills said although he only has been in office a short time, he has not seen any federal regulatory programs he feels were unconstitutional.

"With the seat belts, they do save lives," he said. "As an officer, it is at your discretion (to write a ticket). We expect our men to use good judgment and common sense. If you put 100 officers in a room, 50 would write tickets and 50 wouldn't."

Notes on Sheriff Richard Mack:

Former Graham County Sheriff Richard Mack was the first county sheriff in the country to file a lawsuit against the Clinton administration, charging that background checks done by local officials mandated by the federal government for the purchase of firearms was unconstitutional. He won his case in 1997 by a 5-4 ruling at the U.S. Supreme Court.

He ran for the U.S. Senate in Arizona in 2006 as a Libertarian candidate.

He now travels the country speaking to local law enforcement groups about the intrusions on the constitution by the federal government. He was awarded Law Enforcement Officer of the Year by the National Rifle Association and other major gun rights groups.

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